Friday, April 11, 2014

BIG’s Blog: Men and Women Think Differently?

A question to my direct mail fundraising friends: Do you communicate with your female supporters differently than you do your male supporters?


Look, I know this isn’t a revelation, but men think and process differently than women, and vise versa.

So if you are going to effectively communicate to the women in your next direct mail appeal, you need to approach them in a way that meshes with the way they think about and process whatever topic you address. The same for the men you are addressing. That means different copy for men and women.

What do you think? Maybe a 20% to 30% overall bump in response with this approach?

So why wouldn’t you do it?

Too expensive and WAY too much of a hassle … right?

Or … you could seriously consider shifting to a platform where you could address men and women, young and old, Hispanic or Anglos, etc., etc., in a way that each person can most easily relate and connect to your message.

What am I talking about?

The Internet.

Still don’t believe men and women see things differently? Check out the short video below.

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