Thursday, January 19, 2012

BIG’s Blog: Can You Change the World with Donor Service?

“Life is service,” said hotel magnate E. M. Statler, “and the one who progresses is the one who gives his fellow human beings a little more, a little better service.”

Service is about the entire experience. For businesses, it’s about making it easier for customers to spend money with you. Customers will be happier, you will be happier.

Service is about the entire experience. For not-for-profits, it’s about making it easier for donors to donate money to your organization. Donors will be happier, you will be happier.

Every single not-for-profit organization serves somebody. Service is ultimately the core cause of virtually every not-for-profit. Therefore, every not-for-profit should understand the word service.

Why, then, are there still not-for-profit organizations that make it either difficult or impossible to give online?

Spend waaaay more time making your online donation process easier than you do nitpicking your campaign copy!

Your organization’s concern about your donor service says waaaay more to current and potential donors than your copy.

Can you change the world with donor service? Only with happy donors.


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