Monday, November 11, 2013

BIG's Blog: 1+1 = Several Million Dollars

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In one of my posts last week, I opined that “your fundraising model is so screwed right now.” The reason I pointed this out was that you do not have the digital business model to accomplish what needs to be done to connect with younger generational cohorts, beginning with the impressively large Baby Boomer generational cohort.

Gordon Plutsky, who is both employed as a Chief Marketing Officer for King Fish Media as well as an adjunct professor at Endicott College, and Jeff Brooks, the creative director of TrueSense Marketing, had their ideas merged by Mr. Brooks in a recent post on Future Fundraising Now.

To be successful with Boomers, Mr. Brooks synthesized Mr. Plutsky’s points (that were made for commercial marketers) and translated them into three points for nonprofit fundraisers.

  • Great fundraising offers. Give your donors specific, compelling, exciting things they can do to change the world through your organization. The standard unrestricted "support us" offer doesn't necessarily meet their need for meaning and connection.
  • Be thankful. They need to know -- quickly and specifically -- that you got their gift, you put it to work, and you're grateful for their generosity.
  • Report back. This is the difference between winners and losers in Boomer fundraising. Show them what their giving accomplished. The more specific and emotional you are at this stage, the better.

Can you do this with your mail-centric fundraising and communication business model? Barely! Of course, if barely is good enough for you, then go for it.

Or, move 100% online to engage Boomers, Gen-X, and Millennials.

You’ve got a window of opportunity . . . don’t waste it.
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